Originally Posted by KERMIT
Air is 78% nitrogen. Besides the fact it's a scam. There are no benefits to a road car.
Um... No, it's NOT a scam
Originally Posted by TreeSemdyZee
Nitrogen is not a scam. First year chemistry students can tell you that. Pure nitrogen does not fluctuate as much in presure compared to straight "air". It also doesn't contain the moisture of air, thereby reducing the chance for corrosion of the TPMS, etc.
I have personally tested the differences in pressure fluctuation and it is actually quite drastic.
Pure nitrogen also leaks much slower than air. Saying that air is 78% nitrogen is a bogus argument. It's 22% other components. It's those components that are the problem. That's like saying water is part Oxygen, so go ahead and breathe it.

Thanks for the more correct info.
Honestly, the big issue with the argument of air is 78% nitrogen is BS, the biggest thing with PSI fluctuation is probably the water inside the compressed air...
Have you ever noticed water coming out when taking air out of your tires?
You COULD fill with a pump that has a drier (The chemical lab I work for has driers in the lines and after the compressor to remove water, and holy crap there is a LOT of water)
My advice, if there is a Costco near you, become chummy with the tire guys, they use nitrogen, either they'll top you off with Nitrogen for free or they might deflate all your tires on the rack and refill them with Nitrogen for free