Originally Posted by alcheng
alcheng's Agenda:
Pull out the steering lock fuse on Wed.
Since the tease from Mr.6MT (2 mins job), I decided to tackle the Steering Lock Fuse tonight.....
Step 1)
Step 2) It's quite a pain in the bu!! to take off that plastic cover, and it was more pain in the bu!! to put it back together after....
Step 3) The fuse box... you really have to pull it out slowly with strength... and reach to the bottom of the box to reach to 'tap' to release the cover..
Step 4) Now... this is the part caught me 5000% off guard..... I looked at the fuse diagram, and it states the fuse for the steering lock is the top one of the lower group....
And when I look at the fuse box.. I saw this.....

( Click to show/hide )
I was all puzzle and thinking "WTF...?? Where is the damn fuse....?
Seconds later I realized the possibilities are: 1) Nissan don't put steering lock in their fleet anymore thus no fuse 2) Nissan removed the fuse prior the Z leave the factory.
Anyway... I am kinda relieved that I don't need to worry about the steering lock issue....

Step 5) Beer Time...!!!
BTW, mine is 2011.