12-10-2012, 08:37 AM
#3 (permalink)
Enthusiast Member
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Mesa, AZ
Age: 41
Posts: 324
Drives: RipTide
Rep Power: 13
Originally Posted by CDepp
Please, please, use your blinker so you let others know exactly where you plan on flinging about 3000-5000lbs of metal on the interstate...
Changing a lane? Blinker.
Making a turn? Blinker.
You think nobody is around and doing either? Blinker.
And no, the use of your blinker does not indicate your right of way. Be courteous and if changing into a faster lane, make certain it's clear and keep speed with the traffic in that lane. Additionally, don't pull out into traffic and creep across 3 lanes, making traffic slam on their brakes around you so you can make the next turn: get to speed while moving over, and if necessary, make a u-turn a turn or two up or two left turns. And, for the love of Zeus, if you mistakenly make a commitment to a turn lane, keep it and correct your err after making the turn - do not jettison back out into flowing traffic.
All these drivers make me frightened about getting my Z in the next couple weeks!
/I might be overreacting
//It's a Z, worth overreacting maybe just a little
one of my worst pet peeves, Cali is notorious for idiots not signalling. Pisses me the hell off. Especially when they cut you off then slow down. I'm like really??? F****** idiots