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Old 12-10-2012, 08:27 AM   #1 (permalink)
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CDepp is a splendid one to beholdCDepp is a splendid one to beholdCDepp is a splendid one to beholdCDepp is a splendid one to beholdCDepp is a splendid one to beholdCDepp is a splendid one to beholdCDepp is a splendid one to behold
Unhappy I don't care if you drive stupid, but...

Please, please, use your blinker so you let others know exactly where you plan on flinging about 3000-5000lbs of metal on the interstate...

Changing a lane? Blinker.
Making a turn? Blinker.
You think nobody is around and doing either? Blinker.

And no, the use of your blinker does not indicate your right of way. Be courteous and if changing into a faster lane, make certain it's clear and keep speed with the traffic in that lane. Additionally, don't pull out into traffic and creep across 3 lanes, making traffic slam on their brakes around you so you can make the next turn: get to speed while moving over, and if necessary, make a u-turn a turn or two up or two left turns. And, for the love of Zeus, if you mistakenly make a commitment to a turn lane, keep it and correct your err after making the turn - do not jettison back out into flowing traffic.

All these drivers make me frightened about getting my Z in the next couple weeks!

/I might be overreacting
//It's a Z, worth overreacting maybe just a little
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