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Old 12-10-2012, 04:45 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Drives: 2010 370zNismo White
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Default Need Z Members help (please read)

Hello everyone, I need the distance it takes to go 0-60. Please provide a website or some kind of proof if possible.

Here is my story. A while back, my friend and I got pulled over, him in his s2k and me in my 2010 370z nismo. We left the parking lot and made a right turn. From the right turn to the next right turn is about 500 ft. The officer pulled us both over and said we were driving 60mph. Which is BS because neither of us was going that fast. Id admit we were 5-10mph above speed limit, but thats it.

Now lets say 500 ft, that will mean I had to be pushing my Z to the limit then suddenly stopping. The stopping distance is 103 ft. So is it possible to reach 60mph with only 397ft?

Quarter mile is 1320 ft which takes about 13 seconds.

Much thanks people!
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