Originally Posted by 370-Z
Hey man, thanks for your reply. Regarding A3, nah, its not the chin spoiler. It looks like a 1" to 2" mud flap just in front of each front wheel. In the 2009 Service Manual Section K, Exterior, pages EXT-23 and EXT-24, Nissan refers to it as an Air Guide. Its just on the inside of the front bumper's wheel arch corner, where the bottom of the front fender liner meets the bumper and under cover.
I rememeber accidentally removing one of the bolts to one of the Air Guides when I did mine - you don't need to remove those to detach the plastic underguard from the bumper - those are actually attached to the bumper and come off with it. I believe those 2 items are part of the Sports Package so it is possible that some folks don't even have them.