Originally Posted by happytheman
Hey Ken-San! 
hi mr.happy.
Originally Posted by happytheman
Wow! I can't believe that you're already having a hard time with a refrig that's as new as it is. 
yah, it was my smart idea to replace our 10yr old kenmore which had no prior issues...

i think there's a reason why LG is striving in the appliances section these days.
Originally Posted by alcheng
I need to give the Z a wash... it'll be waterless cos the water supply to the garage is turned off for the Winter.... Should do that in these couple dayz...
 &  on the Maytag.. LOL.. I bet the R&D didn't expect consumers will DIY the maintenance themselves... thus making the construction complicate and non-sense...
Was wondering did you do any motoring this am but I bet it's a "no" since the weather is  .
BTW, I suggest you check a post in this thread... you will   I guarantee... 
hi, mr.alcheng.

no motoring for me, both my cars are in hibernation and i was messing with the fridge this am and had to run errands afterwards so didn't get to do any real driving even in the Fit today. i will be picking up some chinese for dinner

so i shall have my dose of motoring tonight...well in the Fit so it's like only 1/3 of the Z...anyway, can't complain.
lol at that thread.
Originally Posted by blackcherry20
hi ms. bc!

i like that poster too.
hey guys, i came up with a new noun: spewb <= stupid newb