Originally Posted by kenchan
happy saturday everyone.
got up this am had to clean my fridge's coils as it was having a hard time cooling. i took the front finisher off as usual and took a look inside (this is a new fridge i got in the summer.. and now 6th month, this is the first time looking inside this one). wtf to maytag, there's like 8 layer of coils behind each other and i can only reach the front one with my vac.
knowing my wife recently went shopping for us, i couldn't let the food just spoil... so i put all the dishes away in the kitchen, went into my garage, pulled my shopvac, and in BLOWER mode  shot it to hell.
yah, it was snowing in the kitchen but everything is clean.  and the pos fridge is finally starting to cool again after about 5hrs. i guess the rule of thumb is before you buy, check how accessible the coils are under and behind the unit. if i wouldve known this, i would've bought a different brand.

lol! Boo hiss on maytag. Lol on kenchan.

for when mrs kenchan finds out how mr kenchan cleaned fridge

Originally Posted by alcheng
Good Afternoon...!!
Rainy and dark..... but it's not too cold.... 
Originally Posted by happytheman
Is weird here right now. We have patches of sun and fog here right now.

Same thing here....hazy foggy but warm...not minding haze as long as uts warm
Originally Posted by happytheman
"Those people"? You must mean people like Monty then.  

i guess so

but i sincerely hope Lambo isnt one of those featured "people of Walmart"

Originally Posted by JARblue
And therein lies the problem. Plus there's absolutely zero shoulder on this road, and in a lot of places its either 6-12" steep sloped drop off or tree-line. Not much room for mistakes, so I'll probably just push a little. Plus Ms. Pint doesn't push her car on the curves and I just found out it's only gonna be me and her cruising after our third Z just bailed  Whatever, it's still 

Z driving = hella fun

if i lived closer me and the mini could go w you and Pint
Originally Posted by alcheng
Hey Lambo..
Same as you, I am at work too...  Saturday is a busy day for us... but so far it's only ok busy... I think people are all squeezing themselves into those giant shopping malls...
mmm.... probably will be raining tomorrow....
but heck, it's almost mid Dec, we still have an average of +1c to +7c.. Can't complain..
I need to give the Z a wash... it'll be waterless cos the water supply to the garage is turned off for the Winter.... Should do that in these couple dayz...
 &  on the Maytag.. LOL.. I bet the R&D didn't expect consumers will DIY the maintenance themselves... thus making the construction complicate and non-sense...
Was wondering did you do any motoring this am but I bet it's a "no" since the weather is  .
BTW, I suggest you check a post in this thread... you will   I guarantee... 

That thread is lame-why would he go there?! I am missing something

To all my fav people

in for the night-animal menagerie in here right now-lol-cat-hamsters AND the rabbit!