I updated this in my journal and my old NA dark side bla blah thread, which should be dying off as it has no use for me any more haha, but does have some good information for others to make a decision on. For any historical data on the car, just peruse my journal or look in my album at the dyno sheets.
Here is a pic of my baseline and the car strapped in. This was done within an hour of it arriving, and looks to be the first pull. So no ecu adjustments on it's own were possible by the time it was strapped.
This is where it get's fun. I linked an old dyno I converted in SAE done in March. STD and SAE are close enough. But look at the curves, dips, peaks. It's seriously exactly the same. Even the results are the same. Tuned and untuned results... exactly the same. These ECU's are a work of art.
So this confirms at least a good consistent snap shot of the car. I'm very sure there is extra bottled up in there that would make the graph look nicer, but it won't matter soon.