Originally Posted by TreeSemdyZee
I'm probably at the expensive end. Paid $100/wheel plus $195 for special order powder. Also paid $100 to my tire store for tire swaps. (They ended up swapping three times. Only charged me for once).
Where are you located in Indiana? (Forgive me if I've asked before)
Im in the Fort Wayne area, but i work near Indianapolis.
Originally Posted by Mike
I charge 100 per wheel. most places won't want you to do your own prep, they can't guarantee its done correctly and have to redo it.
That pricing sounds reasonable to me. Im definitely interested. Have an estimate of what shipping might be Mike?
Originally Posted by nmjaxx9
I paid 320 all together too bad you arent in CT or I would hook you up! 
Thanks, its too bad i dont live over that way.