Originally Posted by frost
Your piped aren't polished like the ones in Tony's pics. Did you know they wouldn't be polished?
Originally Posted by F.I. Inc.
The fully polished version is available but it is a $200 option. I do not offer it unless someone asks at the time of purchase. The reason it is so expensive is because we polish it ourselves in house and it is very time consuming.
I assume if someone wants to go to the effort themselves they could polish it themselves could they not once they get the parts in. Personally it looks real nice for the intial setup photos, but unless your going to do shows, there is much point (well maybe some airflow advantage LOL). Also WAY too much effort involved.
Ours should've have landed in Sydney about 2hrs ago (Sunday 20th)

. Still a couple of days before it gets up to Brisbane, Yippee.