Updates from GTM. They took a pic of my car on their dyno
And a baseline run they share with me. This is with the stock manifold.
LMAO, they wasted no time strapping her down! These results were right when they pulled her off the truck! It's definitely mine. I see some trademarks on the dyno curve. AFR's stayed below 13 except for one spike. It was tuned at 13.2. It''s still gains compared to my last no matter how it's looked at.
If anything, this just solidifies my decision. I'm sure there is a lot left on the table to tune here, as well as the manifold and new spark plugs. But I'm not going to worry about that.
EDIT: Granted one is STD and the other is SAE, but these numbers are eerily close, not only that, look at the curves, same dips, same spikes. These are 9 months apart and on different dynos. Talk about accurate. I also linked all the pictures from my album so people who have photobucket blocked at work can see everything.