Originally Posted by scottIN
If you live in the city, chances are that there is an ordinance against letting animals run loose. Dog, cat or horse, doesn't matter. ... People say 'Well, it's just a cat. What can it do?'. That cat did about $700 damage to my car (never got the lady to pay) in just a couple of nights (brand new car). ... BTW-I have a cat (inside only) and a dog (always on a leash), so it's not like I'm some animal hater or anything. I just think people should be responsible for their pets.

If the owner refuses to be responsible, don't hesitate to call your local ACO.
I don't allow my dogs to roam the neighborhood. I don't have a problem if your pet gets loose every now and then (it happens, even to me), but PLEASE make an effort to keep them on your property. Several ppl in my neighborhood allow their cats to roam at will - I leave the back door open when weather/mosquitoes permit and my Australian Cattle Dog does a good job of keeping them out of the back yard.