Originally Posted by weslmac
Posted my story in the fuse thread for the steering lock but was told today by a Nissan Production Line Diagnostic Engineer to not pull the fuse to disable to steering lock. I will take his advise just based on the fact that he was wearing a Nissan uniform. Plus, who am I to question the folks that build the car.
Did he give you a reason or was it just the typical "don't mod your car" corporate answer? I'm guessing you would have gotten the same response if you had asked about using 3rd-party brake pads or any other common upgrade.
In most circumstances, I would be inclined toward the go-with-the-pro stance - but not in this particular case. Too many ppl have killed power to the SLU (fuse, harness, clip wire), myself included, without any problems.
But I certainly can't blame you, or anyone else, for taking the word of a factory rep over a bunch of hobbyists.