Reviving this thread rather than starting a new one...
Similar to Pat C. above, I am also trying to remove the inner grey door panel which lies under the trim to dynamat. Plan is to dynamat both skins of each door.
I've taken off the door trim by removing all those screws you see on the ground, but can't seem to get that inner grey panel off. Above it was mentioned that some rivets need to be removed, are the ones highlighted in my pics the ones being referred to?
If so, how do I remove them? Drill into the center off them and they'll pop off?
Also do I need to take off anything else - including that white mechanism which I suspect to be the power window control?
Edit: That mechanism has some sort of star-shaped heads... Hoping I don't have to remove them but if I do, how would I go about it?
Thanks in advance.
Last edited by InsanO; 12-04-2012 at 08:59 AM.