Last picture I took before dropping it off at the shop last night
Originally Posted by birdmanx1
Wow... So sorry Ryan, what is it with all the bad luck with cars, this has surely been an eventful car year for you. My hats off to you for sticking through things for as long as you did and the way you did, I would have hung my coat a long time ago and saved myself all the trouble and money. I DO hope the shop makes it up to you, 600 miles later and the same issue?? 
Cars and I don't get along apparently, but I have an affixation with them. Same issue...spun rod bearing. Clearly, it's nothing I did since it was just breakin miles anyways. The hard part will be getting one of the two shops involved to take the blame though.
Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s
That sucks man about the motor problems again. Glad you had fun at the show, sounds like a lot of awesome cars were there.
The show was huge. It was so big and so packed, I take many pictures
Originally Posted by Kingbaby
Please no more expensive cars...
Come back to Nissan!
Nissan Cube it is
Originally Posted by DEpointfive0
A stock, or MILDLY modified GTR, lol
I do like GTRs, but I don't want one. Plus, they are out of my price range. I'm not a big fan of their exhaust sound and it's a big car (especially with my car parked next to it).
Originally Posted by Dzel
So sorry to hear that brah, but remember there is alway's a better tomorrow.
Tomorrow is always better...
Originally Posted by atx370z
You should probably get a Hyundai... 100k mile warranty on that bad boy.
I wouldn't mind one as a daily, but now I'm spoiled and enjoy having a weekend car.