Originally Posted by kenchan
mr.alcheng- yah, i dont do well in this warmish humid weather... ive been drinking lots of hot water today to keep my throat heated.
sounds good about the sway.  does the roaster have a different sway bar vs the coupe?  just wondering. santa has some big boxes to deliever to you this xmas. 
Mr.kenchan, I hope you will get well from this very quickly...
I prolly depress for the next 4 months because of the Z-less cold&snowy weather...

Regarding the sway, the fitment is the same for coupe and roadster, I might want to look into the difference of the weight between the two then decide do I need a stiffer sway.
Originally Posted by Isamu
hard liquor is my thing... beer.. not so much
I basically drink anything, but as I said, depends on the place and occasion, if I am dining out causally, then a pint or two is good enough because I have to drive.
But if we are doing a house party.... we usually start off with beer as appetizer, then red or white (or we'll do red AND white).
Then finish the night with some hard liquor..... something like 57% Chinese wine, or non-Chinese... like XO.
We have some 25+ years Chinese wine at that rate (57+) in the basement.... about 15+ bottles....
So it all depends what I choose to drink... but I enjoy it...

Originally Posted by JARblue
I used to drink sodas like water. Seriously unhealthy, like 3+ a day if they were available. My wife and I gave them up for a month, and I lost about 25 lbs. That was a couple years ago, and I've never bought or drank them in that quantity since. I drink more Red Bull than sodas now, but I still prefer Coke to Pepsi. And beer was always #1 
I used to be like that too, during the 2 yrs in boarding school we have nothing but pops.... it was crazy..... later on I just cut it out 99.99%. No sugar please....
Becareful on the Red-Bull those kind of stuffs, I've read numbers of articles about those drinks.... they are all about sugars, cos sugars is the main substance that can stimulates the nerve..
Originally Posted by kenchan
so i put in an order for a portable casio musical keyboard for micro kenchan.  he can use it to practice his do re mi's while dad's at work. his older brother can use it too ofcourse, but his brother doesnt' seem to care for music or cars.
anyway, it's a cheapo keyboard that has a backlit LCD which displays notation (sheet music) and fingering teaching a beginner how to read/play....almost as if he's playing a game.
that's his xmas present from me. 

on the presents Mr.kenchan.