Originally Posted by newyen27
Today I took my car to a self wash station to get the salt off during lunch. As I popped a squat to spray the underside and wheel wells, I must've pressed (and held) unlock on my key FOB, and rolled my windows all the way down. I got up and gave what I thought were my windows, one good powerful blast of water before realizing what I had done.
I immediately took off my undershirt and wiped everything down, cranked up the heat/AC on recycle, and sat in my car for the remainder of my 1 hour lunch.
Seats are still a little moist, and so are my eyes.. and so are my pants.. 
I'm really sorry for your misfortune. I had to chuckle cause that's the **** that happens to me. I've done my fair share of damp pants.
All the best,