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Old 09-18-2009, 07:40 PM   #237 (permalink)
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details for the up and coming...repost from Tages email.
Registration for the October event at PIR (Oct 2rd & 3rd) is now open!

Please note that this is a BMWCCA event and they are sharing this event with them. Remember, we are THEIR guests!

Here are the key things to be aware of for this event:

#1 - Since this is BMW CCA's event, they will host their driving "school" (equal to our HPDE1 & HPDE2) so *NASA* will not have these groups as options. To register for the beginner "HPDE type" groups, go here --> : BMW CCA - Roadrunner Chapter announces 3rd Annual **** Good Driving School & Club Race (Sat 3 - Sun 4 Oct, 2009) info at Phoenix Int'l Raceway, Avondale, AZ 85323 (5096)

#2 - Since about half of the schedule is BMW CCA exclusive, there's not enough room for NASA to have all groups available. Combining of HPDE3 & HPDE4 is very likely. We will have to combine groups and/or turn off registration early for some groups to ensure they are not oversold so the moral of the story is do not wait to register!

#3 - We are very close to this next event already and we expect all of the NASA groups to fill up very quickly. Early bird pre-registration discounts will only apply until this weekend

#4 - For Racers that are running in the BMWCCA races, there is a "SupersizePT/ST/SU" option to run the NASA race as well. Only $100 will buy you an entry into the NASA race to double your track time and fun! NOTE: This rate will only apply if you are currently registered and run in the BMWCCA Race.

#5 - If you're a racer feeling a little left out this past Summer, here's your chance to *feel the love*. For this event there will be a "SupersizeTT" registration option. If your are a NASA racer looking for additional seat time and another shot at some contingency, for only $100 you can run Time Trial both days in addition to the race group! NOTE: This rate will only apply if you are already registered and run the NASA race.

#6 - It will be a lot cooler at this event vs the Sept event so don't wait until the last minute and get left out in the *cold*. :-)

Thank you for your continued support of NASA Arizona!
2006 Pikes Peak Veilside v3 350Z 6MT
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