Originally Posted by m4a1mustang
So if my parts arrive before this weekend I might not make it to the meet. Planning on returning the 5.0 to stock, selling it, DD'ing the S2K, buying house, then choosing between new C7, new 5.0, or something else.
Choosing to sell the 5.0 over the S2K because I've had it longer and want to turbo the S2K when it's no longer a primary car. I don't want to have to sell the S2K only to buy one back again. Easier to sell the 5.0 when i'd be selling it in late '13 early '14 anyways. And I have immediate access to more practical vehicles should I need them. Oh, and more space in the driveway thank god 
That's what you say now. You will change your mind when you drive the 5.0 again