Well, I finally got the fuel pump installed. Instead of going into details about the install. I took alot of pictures for you guys.

If you have any questions about it, please ask. If you are planning on doing this yourself. Give yourself a good day to do it. I took 3 days working on it part time. Read the instructions twice. Then read them again as you are going through each step. Write down you meter reading when you check the fuel level sender on the driver side. You will need this when you double check the sender after you have installed the pump. To make it easier. Remove everything inside the car. seats and panels. give yourself all the room you need. Soon as you remove the pass side pump and driver side sending unit. remove the o-rings and wipe them off. Seems like they don't like gas and air combination on them. They like to swell up if you don't wipe them dry. Get yourself a small camera and take pictures of inside the tank. So you know what it looks like. This makes it easier for when you are working in there.