Originally Posted by Z-Girl 12
I'm 5"9 and 151lbs and feel I hav just enough room to be completely comfortable. Ur 6'3 and can still fit comfortably? Wow! Anyway, I see atleast 5 camaros a day...its insane. I'm like dang what are they like $12K?! Anyway, i love the rarity of the Z and hands down its just freakishly sexy.
Lol, yeah, I fit nicely, I might look a bit stupid getting in/out if there isn't much room to open the door, LOL
But yeah, the seat is all the way back, all the way down, and I don't drive leaned back at all either...
I DO like the rarity of the 370Z too (especially with JDM tail lights ;-), I see like 10-15 Camaros and Mustangs, I think they look great, don't get me wrong, I just like my Z more.