Originally Posted by mtb
last winter with 1" on the ground and snow falling I was still confident @70mph going down 95..
this in any car is irresponsible, you've clearly never been in an accident. I don't care that you put yourself at risk doing such a thing but you're putting other innocent people on the road at risk then...I see "confident" pickups with 4 wheel drive quite often on the sides of the roads because they pushed it too much in the snow.
I dd my z, I have a set of summer performance tires with rims and a set of winter performance tires with rims. Getting around in the winter with the winter tires is doable, I do not purposely drive the car in the snow. the point is if it starts snowing while I'm at work I can get home relatively safely (compared to the summer tires) before there gets to be moderate accumulation. Yes I've driven home on the summer tires in this situation before and I made it okay but I drove sideways the entire time.