Bit of an update...
I am a bit behind, or at least not as far ahead as I had planned. I had a surgical procedure done about 5 weeks ago, and it should have taken only two to fully recover. It has taken twice as long for some reason, and there was a setback. I have had limited physical mobility the last couple of weeks, but things are starting to improve. Even the doctor was worried, and has been calling me once a day to see how I am doing…that doesn’t happen often.
Anyway, like I said there is improvement over the last few days, and if it continues to improve at this pace, I should be 100% by mid next week. Most of the exhaust side of things has been fabricated, and there are still a few pieces that need to be welded up solid (tacked right now). Once that is done the IC pipes are next, and those are simple, straight forward and will not take long to build.
My goal is still to have all the kits out to you guys by the end of December.