Originally Posted by alcheng
I don't need a fridge just for wine cos my cold room is cold enough for red.
To make it clear, the house I am living now, have a double-basement (two levels), the lower level is cold enough to store all kinds of alcohol, we have some 20+ years old Chinese wine(50%+) and some 20+ years old red wine in that room and they are just fine....
White I just leave them in the fridge cos I don't stock as many as red.
But dude...even if your fridge have nothing but just wine, it still have odor cos the cold air circulating inside the fridge is chemically produce, and it keeps circulating inside the fridge... you won't want your wine absorb those 'air'....
Keep it in the ice-bucket... it's better...
I won't say I am an expert, but trust me... 

you lush!
and btw, new fridges have this new technology called filters... they can filter air... oh, and you know that stuff called baking soda... does wonders...
I am a fat kid inside.. I know how to prevent odor transfer among food items...