Originally Posted by LMBmikeZ
For real the fuse was already gone? First time I think I have seen that on any of the threads, that is just f#cked up! I hope everything keeps working for you! With the wire cut there should be no more issues, just listen to see if you hear the noise for the next few starts and shut offs as long as you don't hear it then I wouldn't worry about it any more.........  GL and hope it stays off!
to correct mysmelf, i was looking at the wrong fuse. my bad. i was thinking that couldnt be right it wouldnt have been making noise at all if the fuse has BEEN out. but no i cut the brown wire coming from the steering lock and *POOF* no more steering lock noises at all. and it starts and turns off fine. im still sketched out about driving it though. went home for lunch and made my wife drop me off back at work