So the dealer I have been dealing with has hired a new Service Manager who has taken my case. He reviewed my file and everything that they have attempted to do to the car to fix this problem...he wanted to try to find an alternative to repainting the car since that would not be an ideal situation for any of us...
So, this Service Manager (who is now my hero) thought outside the "bay" and has come up with a way to fix it...he told me how and said a lot of "car" words that I didn't quite understand, but the section he tested looked good. So he thinks he may have my car (nice and shiny no purple dots) back to me by tomorrow!!!! OMG this would be fantastic!
If this truly does work the way I am hoping it will, I will get the details of what he did so I can let everyone know who might have similar issues~!
I am just so glad that I may not have to have my BRAND NEW car repainted!!!!