Hey Guys,
I wanna set up a DYNO Day on one of these sunny weekends.

I need min. of 10 cars. The price is $60/car for 3 runs. More cars go, cheaper it will be. It will be in Performance Motorsport facility, over in Smithtown.
We can all meet somewhere and ride up there as one big crew.
For those who don't know, on DYNO Days they shut down the shop only for us. All we do is DYNO Cars one after another.
So lets see who wants to tag along, and find out how much is their car is pushing at the wheels.
I'm Aiming for the Oct 10th, hopefully weather will be good.
Put in your vote if you wanna go or not, and let me know if you can make in on Aug 1st.
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Thank you everyone who came along for this Day. It was lots of FUN!
Special Thanks to Performance Motorsport who sponsored all of us a great $40 DYNO deal, and free food!!!
Grats to all people who broke the 300 WHP barrier!!!