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Old 11-16-2012, 04:16 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Realale View Post
Nice. A good way to make the hops stand out a bit more is to back off your liquid extract or dry malt extract and sub in corn sugar. The corn sugar will ferment out 100% and leave no flavor. So it will give the beer a lighter body and more pronounced hop character. Just FYI if you want to try it. That's how they make Pliny the Elder and Younger from Russian River.

Your beer looks really good for a first batch. Good job on keeping it clean.
That is so funny that you say that because I have a buddy who has been brewing for a while now and he mentioned the same thing. I am DEFINITELY going to try subbing some out next time. I feel that over the past weeks it has become tastier and tastier.

He said he used that method recently as he mirrored the 2 White House Recipes. Cant wait to try them, but he said he predicts they will be on a lighter note.

Also, I have been drinking the pumpkin and it came out so great. It made such a difference using the Poland Springs gallon jugs to ensure a proper 5 gallon measurement. Tastes bold, with a hint of pumpkin. And also has quite the kick and after 2 22oz bottles I can even feel the kick on my big and tall frame!

Now comes the time.. Any ideas on what I should brew next??

I would love to get one going within the next few weeks. I probably will pick up two different ones as I now have three carboys and one bucket. I am also trying to decide if I want to try and make one "still using extract" on a whim with random hops etc, or to buy another kit.

I would love to try and IPA again, and am thinking of maybe a Honey Ale or something Christmas'y**.
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