Originally Posted by GTMat
So far, here is the only information I have for Liqui-Damp X:
Sound Damping Properties per Geiger Thick Plate Test Method. Liqui-Damp X has a 46.1 decibels per second rating, at 0.5 lbs., (70 oF) dry per square foot
Sound Damping Properties per Oberst Bar Test Method SAE J-1637. Composite Loss Factor of 0.07 at 200 Hz and 77 oF, Liqui-Damp X to metal ratio of 1:1 (Liqui-Damp X at 32 mils and steel bar at 32 mils)
Thank you Tracie. I know you tried put in some work to get this information and appreciate the quick update. I found the same thing by Googling it before posting. The issue is I am not mentally equipped to understand what this means. Brain cells are complaining. Perhaps someone can explain in layman's terms.