Originally Posted by MJB
No that is understandable. And like I said before, I didn't get the image from your website... your picture is floating around Facebook on some Nismo fan page, so someone else posted your picture on there... I found it, having no idea whose pic it was , so I just thought I would share it for us Nismo owners. No harm intended.. Wasn't copyrighted or watermarked, and since it was on a public page I put it on my photobucket to share. But I since deleted it.
I explained everything to HKYStormFront, no harm no foul.
is copyrighted... on my page

i know it's not your fault tho. i've found several pages, especially GTR pages, with my pictures on them. i have asked repeatedly that they credit me as the photographer (giving a link to the image on my website for proof of ownership) only to hear nothing and get no response. FB has been pretty good about taking down those images and in some cases the pages too depending on what they are doing to that end