Originally Posted by axmea?
... Was close to getting it but the maintenance cost was astronomical. I also looked at mods and it too was cost prohibitive. If you're after driver interaction and experience go for it. This car is awesome. Keep us posted will 'ya.
After drivig both, I agree on this. There is nothing like the Porsche, but look at the "total cost of ownership" over, say 5 years. The Porsche is very expensive. If $ is no issue, go for it. Although I'd buy used, something with low mileage where they other party already paid for the depreciation. I've seen them with less than 20,000 miles for under 35K. New, they are almost double that. The Z was my choice because of my longer drives now days, however, I'm still looking at the Cayman S some day; Just hate the cost of anything for it.....

I'd do some research on it before you buy. Look at the cost of an oil change; as some Porshes are Oil cooled, meaning they take an entire case of oil. Price a case of full synthetic etc etc...