Originally Posted by DOOMMONKEY777
umm.....i dont want to be a troll or anything, BUT i have played racing video games all my life from 2D nfs to the GRID [havent played the latest games in 2012 cuz i work now] most of them finished more than 3 times over and must say that DRIVING A Z IN A GAME OR IN REAL LIFE ON AN AUTOMATIC TRANNY IS JUST GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY .
I mean like SSUUUPPEEERR  its a waist of a Z or any car including R35 to drive them auto [ye i know no manual for r35 then get an r34 instead] is considered by me a TOTAL WANNABEEE. LEARN....PRACTICE.......PRACTICE SOME MORE.....AND MOORE.....AND THEN SOME MORE...LEARN NEW TRICKS....PRACTICE...PRACTICE....GET IT DOWN PERFICT PRECISE....now Domonate the competition. Enoghf said. 
thats why you qualified and are on the show?