Haha, thanks everyone! This is going to be a fun forum.
Originally Posted by Tazicon
Even Hyundai's have LED's now, that fad is old already. Nissan missed the boat yet jumped anyway.............silly. My thing is why be a sheep, why not start the next trend instead of following everyone else.
Oh and welcome to the site, hope you find what you are looking for young lady.
I agree with you completely. It's silly to follow a trend, especially when you're so far behind lol. And thanks!
Originally Posted by OMGiGOTaZ
You wont be dissapointed!
The 13' was available when I grabbed my '12 and I agree with you, plus the rims were
And Welcome to Z team sort of
Yeahhh lol idk they just don't quite do it for me. I fail to see the point in the styling regression. Oh well. They'll fix it eventually. I hope. And thank you!
I actually just found a silver 2011 I may jump on. I might be able to get it for like $500 over dealer cost.