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Old 11-10-2012, 01:19 PM   #74 (permalink)
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I believe I have the setup. Make sure if your doing this DIY that you check the resistors that you buy and make sure they are dead on 4.7 ohm's. Thats number one.

Number, two..... Once you remove a seat and dis connect the under seat plugs. Don't turn the car on until you are finished mounting the resistor on the yellow plug and re plugging the seat belt, and weight sensor cables. Otherwise you will have to do the "SRS reset" procedure from the link on page one.

Last. What I have found is that the position of the weight sensor pad is critical in order to make sure the passenger side air bag is armed when you have a passenger. In the case for my seats, I tried several positions to make it fail to arm and arm. The best position in my seats was to set the sensor pad farther back in the seat than you would imagine. The front edge of the sensor pad is setting about 4 inches back from the front edge of the seat. The small ECM box that is mounted to the back of the pad has to be pushed up the seat back a little. Depending on how thick your back cushion is, you will not notice the box against your back when you sit in. Basically, you may have to move the sensor around a bit to find the best spot in your seats for ensuring that it arms.

Good luck everyone!
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