Ok guys. I just finished installing one of my UAM vented fenders and it was pretty straight forward (thanks to this write-up).
The only thing different, I didn't remove the bumper or the headlights. I just removed the bolt that holds the bumper to the fender and pulled it back a little bit to gain access to the fender bolts that are below the headlight. I then removed the rear top bolt by the door instead of just loosening it like stated. This allowed me to pull the fender out from the rear. This way the fender at the front came off of the headlight without removing it. It saved a couple of steps. Now....the side skirt was another story. The clips are on there tight. I left the clips off when I reinstalled due to the fact I'm replacing them in about 3 weeks with some BSD skirts. Also, you can remove side turn signal before removing fender. It pops out very easily with a small flat head screw driver. It fits carefully between the light and the fender on both sides. Came right out...
Last edited by pfdaxe; 11-10-2012 at 08:07 PM.