Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s
Does the plot have much to do with the previous 2 movies? Was thinking about watching them before I go see Skyfall, but I might not have time.
no not at all its almost a reboot of sorts just sticking with Daniel Craig. it sort of exists on its own you just need to know a basic understanding of MI6 and that he has been 007 for a while and his boss is still M (judy dench)
honestly most of the bond movies are fun but not that good they are sort of campy the daniel craig ones have been better in tone but i didnt like the last movie all that much i mean it was ok it was very linked at the first to casino royale and i only saw that once so it was a bit hard to follow at the first.
this movie is almost in its own world and is a good movie in general not just a good bond movie