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Old 09-16-2009, 12:51 AM   #131 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: South Florida
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Drives: 370Z Vert (TBA)
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DropTopGal is on a distinguished road

You guys are a trip.

To the OP, if you can swing it financially, get a Z already!

A few things come to mind...
Why not have the SUV be the family car and the Z your car for work and going out with your wife on date night (something that all married couples should do, date night). If you must trade in the SUV and take a loss, so what. Of course, I'd get rid of the Mazda. In the big picture, $5k is not a huge amount of money, particularly when matched with one's happiness.

You're trying to negotiate the monthly payment to be lower by only $59 each month?! Granted, money is money, but $59 a month. Whatever.

BTW, there must be more to this story since your wife "won't budge".
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