Originally Posted by dastaco
I'm not saying he is lying, i'm just of the mind that if you're going to post such a large claim against a company you should bring some proof. I've been working with him via PMs to post a receipt or bill which he says he has so we can see what kind of date range and scope of work he is having done. He wants to black out any personal information before posting though, so that is apparently his hold up.
I remember a guy on these same forums that had a GTR & Lambo & 900hp NOS Z who traded countries by day... so please excuse me if I don't take everything at face value 
LOL I get what you are saying, but I will still give the OP the benefit of the doubt. Maybe his figures dont add up, but lets wait and see, maybe he is telling the truth, maybe he isnt, but I think turning skeptical and jumping to conclusions before anything is proven is pointless.
Ill give him another day or two to post that receipt.