Hello friends

I just installed Takeda intake and it is making really annoying sound! As you can see in the video, it makes that weird whistle noise the whole time, even when I'm driving, and turn off the engine. It is very annoying!! I make sure checked everything if things are loosen or if MAF sensors are loosen but everything is perfect! (btw, installation was such a pain in the ***. I don't know if it's only me but omg nothing fits!!! everything I had to force to put together, silicone piece that connects the throttle body spacers and the intake was so short that I had to force it so hard, then when I tried to tightened up the hose clamps, silicone would fail to hold together because takeda put so much grease!! Tightening up the filter also was pain in the ***, it has no some kind of restriction to stop filter at the certain point, it was just like you tight up the filter where ever you want to..-_- plus too much grease again... The MAF sensor port was located on the bottom of the intake so I had a hard time plunging the wire in...so stupid...THE WORST intake ever you can ever get! Very cheap quality! My intake didn't even come with those red decals on the pipe as you can see in most of Google images of Takeda intakes...) I never got CEL so far...So what's the problem??!! Thanks
VIDEO ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
370z Takeda Intake making a weird noise - YouTube