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Old 11-04-2012, 07:54 PM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: san diego
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Jason1574 is on a distinguished road
Default Do not do business with STS Turbo!

This is why you should not do busniess with them and im sorry for my grammar im just so mad at them.

Do not buy from STS turbo they take months to finish their bolt on kits on any car it took them 6 months to put on my turbo kit on my car and they wanted full payment within 2 weeks i waited half a year for their basic kit!!! And they would not give me discount is costed over $14k every week after the first month i constantly contacted them and they kept saying the car will be done next week they kept saying for 6 months!!! WTF these guys are lazy,slow and dont give a sh!t about their customers. I want to know can i sue them for having my car for so long and charging me more then their estimation on the price and telling me it would be done in 3 weeks and they kept telling me it would be done the next week for 6 months.

Their is way more stuff to the story i just made it short they kept dodging my phone calls, texts,emails.
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