Originally Posted by Mr&Mrs
Hmm wonder if it could be sanded out and cleared. You should have it clear coated anyway to protect fading/yellowing. My Zele lip had a little of this along the seam as well. After my painter got ahold of it it looks fine. Mine was not near this bad though.
He can go this option, but then again he shouldnt have to pay out of pocket any more.
Me personally, I would find a local company that specializes in carbon fiber work and see what they say. If they conclude it is a lack of polishing at the last stage, get a description of the problem and a quote for them to fix it. Then contact Ings and see if they will mail off a check for the carbon company to fix it plus send a bonus part for you having to wait so long then go as far as fixing it. Win for both. Even if they dont send a part, which I think would show that they are sorry for the inconvience, it would still be cheaper than paying for shipping both directions.
Option 2 would be that they overnight a replacement, a return shipping tag, plus money for the box so they can see it themselves and find out how this slipped by. I mean it is pretty obvious that it is not some scratch. It is a prefect line around the whole thing. Clearly the modeling line.