Originally Posted by Shotta
Looks like a seam mark from a low quality vacuum bagging operation. I highly doubt this has anything to do with the shipping company and everything to do with the manufacturer.
I agree. I have personally seen lots of CF being molded and there is what I would call "overhang". It has to be cut flush then polished. People have to understand CF before the resin is added it comes in sheets then it is layed with excessive overhang to compensate for loss due to concaves and convexs in the mold, the the resin is formed over top, then pressed onto the mold. Yours looks like it was trimmed but not polished at the mold line. I would be pissed but at the same time every once in a while stuff like this gets passed QC, even for the best of them. If this is what happens with 8 out of 10 of their lips then I would steer clear, but this seems to be a freak situation, but in the end will come down to how the company handles the oversite and refund. Hell even money can come out with flaws once in a blue moon. But unlike money, this overlook doesnt make it worth more money. LOL, but yeah this shouldnt have left the factory.
Just for example: