Originally Posted by rAiN
would like to jump on the discussion but i have no idea what you just said.
If you learn "Nissan Tuning Guide" by UPREV, you known that every map in the ECU has two axis:
Y = RPM (Rotation Per Minute)
X = BFS (Base Fuel Schedule)
BFS is calculated by MAF (Mass Air Flow) multiplyed by K Fuel Multiplier.
So, changing the Air Intake System (like GEN3), the MAF changes the readings and consequently the BFS changes as consequence.
The change of MAF reading, changes also the AFR (Air Fuel Ratio) of the mixture, but notoriously, the 370z has a rich mixture! So leaning it, would be an increase of power.
But! Every map in the ECU do not works on the entire range....
Low RPM suffer more....