its 9am here and i just cant sleep anymore.
really excited to pick up Rosalena later & see her new "eyes" made by Dr. Igor @ the 180 Customs laboratory!

i just called a Shop in Florida
NISSAN 370Z 09-12 BOMEX FRONT LIP SPOILER CARBON - regarding the new bomex front lip & they just said they had it in-stock! i gotta call BOMEX today, talk to the Sales Manager and mention that I spoke to the other company about the lip & CONFIRM that they really have it in stock! i wanna see some actual pics too! If the pics match the sketch, i'm coppin' EARLY!
once thats confirmed, ORDERING!!!!!!!

sex or what?

i really hope it looks EXACTLY like that if not even better! nice slick & simple design. none of that rice sh*t. i cant wait to get this so i can finally re-do the Black Fangs on rosalena cuz i hate looking at mine right now. i see maaaaad flaws. >_< i want rosa to be perfect..