SO its been a crazy week for me

first with my z and now this
my mom wanted to help my wife prepare for my daughters 1st birthday, just running around and getting errands done with... well a cement truck of all things was signaling left and also on the lane to TURN LEFt.... so my mom is on the lane to turn right... the cement truck changes his mind and turns right
my heart dropped when i got the call that my family was in an accident with a cement truck

thankfully everyone was ok especially my daughter... my daily driver camry however didnt get as lucky

the cement truck tore off the bumper, both headlights, corners, mutilated the fender, hood and bent part of the suspension i believe.... this means my z will be my daily for a while

which sucks cuz i smell like slag and weld at the end of the day
the bright side to this is my lil girl turned one today