It seems the name "Gulf Coast Z" Club (GCZ) is available for us to use, and so, henceforth this will be the Club's name. We also have come up with a set of Constitution and By Laws, so we're almost official. What we now need is to select officers who are willing to put in the time and effort to get the Club off the ground officially. This has to be done prior to us filing for our non-profit tax exempt status with the IRS and are able to open up a Club Bank Account. Our President is Rick G., VP is Harold W (Bucketman), Interim Treasurer is Mario, and I will be the Event Coordinator. A Treasurer and Secretary are what we need at this time.
Dues will be set at $25/year, prorated Quarterly. Provisions for Spouses or Significant others will be 1/2 price if they wish to join. Initially, dues will be used to pay for filing of the paperwork and other necessary setup expenses. We will need everyone's participation here so we can generate the funds necessary for all of this.
Our next general meeting in which your participation will be critical is tentatively scheduled for Saturday Dec 8th at 1 pm in Metairie. Location still to be determined. In this meeting, we will need to complete our core group of officers as I referenced earlier. Other business will encompass adopting a Club Logo - so, if you have an idea that you think will fit our club, then please bring a 'good' sketched drawing for us to see. We already have one design submitted by Mike C (ZYCOPTH).
Stay tuned for an update as to the location of the meeting. In the meantime, pencil it into your schedule and make every effort to attend. This club is for you, and we need you to grow it!
See you then!