Had my integra at a shop once and learned my lesson. They didnt have a jack low enough to get under the car. I stood about 10' away watching them, not even through a window. Retard 1 stands by my fornt fender, Retard 2 stands ready with the jack. I am thinking to myself they honestly arent about to do what I think they are. Sure as ****, Retard 1 lifts up while Retard 2 tries to slide the jack under. I am like WTF ARE YOU DOING? They proceed to tell me that they do this all the time and nothing will happen. Before I have the chance to tell them to get their ******* hands away from my car he lifts again and creases my fender!!!
I blow a gasket right there in the bay. I yell for the manager to get out here and tell him WTF they just did. I was SUPER PISSED BRAH!!!! He ends up sending me across the street to a well known body shop and comps a new fender plus spray. Even he couldnt believe what they did. I even stated at the begining that they more than likely would need a small peice of wood under each front to get any of theirs jack under it since non were low pros.
Last edited by Japanjay; 10-30-2012 at 11:03 PM.