Speed couldn't be more right... Completely covering your car with dynamat is pretty much useless.
Dynamat is great for what it does (stops large surfaces from vibrating) but it is not designed for absorbing sound. Get some good closed cell foam (Teklite, Ensolite, Neoprene) to deaden the road noise. Wallpapering your car with dynamat is only going to make you look silly.
Great quote from SDS:
When it comes to vibration dampers, anything more than 25% coverage is excessive. Beyond that, you are wasting time and money, making it difficult to refit trim panels and potentially making the vehicle more difficult to service in the future - you are using the wrong tool for the job.
I've had some good luck with Edead from
Elemental Designs in previous builds. I haven't tried their teklite yet, anyone here have experience with it?