Ok - one more time, a little more clearer maybe:
On the EVO-R light there are three wires: Red (Steady On), White (Blinking), and Black (Ground)
On the car there are four wires in the left (Driver's Side) tail light harness that could be used: Green (Brake), Red (Taillights), Orange (Reverse) and Black (Ground)
If you put power (12V) to the WHITE wire on the EVO-R light, the light will blink.
If you put power (12V) to the RED wire on the EVO-R light, it will burn Steady
Black is the Ground Wire on both Car and EVO-R light wiring. You will need to connect the Black Wire on the EVO-R light to the Black Wire in the Tail light's Harness regardless of what else you do with the other wires.
1, If you want the light to blink on Braking, Connect the WHITE EVO-R wire to the GREEN Tail Light Harness wire
2. If you want the light to Blink on Reverse, Connect the WHITE EVO-R wire to the ORANGE Tail Light Harness wire
3. If you want the light to burn Steady on Parking Lights On, then Connect the RED EVO-R wire to the RED Tail Light Harness wire
... I hope this clarified my previous convoluted post about all that. I wrote it just before I had to run out the door so it came out a little garbled....